3.6 out of 5.0 based on 4 reviews
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Value for money
Disappointed21 on 21 Jun 2024
Their quote clearly said it was no sale no fee. I had to pay a £100 deposit towards the fee (not disbursements) in order for the instruction to be processed. When the chain fell through and the purchase did not proceed they said they would not return the fee as some work had been done on the purchase. They were far from pro-active in pursuing the purchase and things only happened if I chased them. They were slow to respond to emails and calls.
Drinkbord on 24 Apr 2024
I initially was given a solicitor that wasn't aware of it when being contacted by the estate agent. This caused a small delay. I was then given another solicitor.
First time buyer. on 3 Jan 2024
Communication is good, Christmas break period wasn't good.
Teacher Tina 71 on 31 Aug 2023
No further comments
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