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    5 Ways to Know It's Time to Move Home

    By The reallymoving Team Updated 13th Mar, 2024

    There are lots of reasons to move home, but whether you’re continuing to rent, or planning to buy, here are 5 reasons you know it’s time to get a wriggle on and move on up the ladder.

    5 Ways to Know It's Time to Move Home

    January is the time for assessing where you are, what you’ve achieved and what your goals are for the year ahead. Whilst many will focus on health, fitness and money resolutions, for others, changing up your living situation may be top of the list.

    1. Horrible housemates

    When you moved in, it seemed like a brilliant adventure. Making new friends, always having someone around to share a meal, grab a drink or watch a movie with. Living with housemates is, whilst usually a necessity, often a joy as well.

    However, sometimes that can change. You outgrow the situation. You want space for yourself.

    The once-fun house parties get old and the encrusted plates piled up in the sink stress you out. Being late for work waiting for the shower in the morning and not being able to find a clean mug for your morning coffee frustrate you.

    If you’ve reached passive aggressive notes on the fridge about ‘SOMEONE’ needing to take responsibility, then it’s time for a change.

    Living with others can be difficult, but if you’ve decided that this is the year you start thinking about buying your own home, there are things you can do. Start thinking about where you’d like to live, how much you’d need to save, and what you can do to get there.

    Visit our ‘Starting Saving’ guide

    2. Living with mum and dad

    Living with your parents is in many ways a gift – less responsibility, fewer costs and usually, the promise of the occasional cooked dinner. Many young (and not so young) people either stay at home, or move home to save up for their own place.

    But, as much of a gift as it is, moving home can be difficult. Remaining an adult with authority over your own life, and not falling back into teenage or childhood patterns can be hard. It’s very easy to let your parents do everything for you as they once did, to overstay your welcome or for them to feel you aren’t grateful.

    If living at home has started to put tension on your relationships, it might be worth looking to move up your timeline, supersize your savings and see what deals are out there on your dream home.

    Start with our ‘sacrificing to save’ guide

    3. Renting with a partner

    It’s easy to say that renting is ‘dead money’, but at reallymoving we don’t necessarily think that’s true. Renting allows you to stay in a place that you make your home. The only difference is that you’re not investing long term into your future. Rent pays for now, whereas a mortgage pays for both now and the future.

    But it’s easier said than done to trade in your rent for a mortgage.

    However, if you’re renting with a partner, maybe this is the year to start thinking about what you could get a mortgage for, and where you might like to buy. It’s much easier to buy with someone else, and if you’re starting to dream of a place you can make your own, make changes to the décor and invest in something long term with your sweetheart, maybe this is your year.

    Start with our first time buyer mortgage guide.

    4. Cramped with the kids

    Maybe you already bought your first home? You’ve scrimped and saved and had that moment of joy and pride as you stepped onto the property ladder. Perhaps your home was perfect – small and affordable in a great area with pubs and restaurants, and everything you’d need for your first home.

    But then, life changes.

    That perfect little flat doesn’t have room for the pram, or it has too many stairs for a toddler, or it means you need to park miles away. Maybe there’s no green space, or you simply don’t have the cupboard space for everything you now own. You might be thinking about school catchment areas for the future.

    Perhaps your friends and family have moved further afield, or you’re getting tired of the city slog. Maybe it’s time to move somewhere with more space, fresh air and new opportunities.

    We outgrow the places we love and trying to make them work for too long can be exhausting.

    If this is the year you decide to upsize, we can help. From finding the right property (and asking the right questions) to understanding what your survey means, it’s all up from here.
    Read our upsizing guide

    5. Your home is a little too big

    For some, the opposite problem arises – you have too much space. Maybe the kids have moved out, or you just want less stuff, lower bills and fewer hours spent cleaning. For those who have grown tired of their large house and dream of something a little more manageable, downsizing can offer a great number of advantages.

    Firstly, you can get rid of a lot of your stuff, perhaps selling it to make a bit of money and saving yourself on your removals fees. By choosing a smaller property, you’ll be cutting down bills, and hopefully releasing equity in your home, giving you a little more money to play with.

    If this is the year you downsize, there’ll be a lot to look forward to.

    Read our downsizing guide on how to make the most of your sale.

    Updated February 2020

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