Read our wide range of articles on moving house, updating your rented homes and dealing with estate agent.
It might be that you’ve built an image of exactly the kind of home you want to build. Maybe you’ve got an idea of some absolute must-haves for when you find a home. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to make compromises. So, what should you think about compromising, and what should be a non-negotiable?
Getting a foot on the property ladder has become increasingly difficult and younger generations are fleeing the nest later than ever. It may be that your children are struggling to take that leap on their own. But there are options for you if you want to lend a helping hand.
Mortgage fraud is a serious crime that can result in prosecution and you being blacklisted from the home buying market. Understanding what it is and how to avoid it will make sure you’ve got your mortgage under control.
There are a wealth of online resources available to help with the various stages of the home buying process.
Conveyancing, First Time Buyers, Buying a house, Finding a house, Moving home
What is a property seller’s responsibility when it comes to declaring neighbourly disputes?
Selling a home
Equity release is the ability to free up the equity from your property, whilst you continue to live in it. For many people, their property is their biggest asset, but all their savings are tied up in it.
Conveyancing, Finance, Mortgages
When the countdown is on for Christmas and you're hoping for a quick move, you may worry about the busy festive season holding you up.
Finding a house, Moving home
When deciding whether to buy a flat or a house, there are lots of things to consider, and the pros and cons may not be as obvious as you think.
Buying a house, Finding a house, First Time Buyer
Here’s what you need to know about taking out a mortgage with another person or a group of people.
First Time Buyers, Buying a house, Mortgages
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